Geraldine Morrison lost her savings and became homeless after 9/11, but she persevered. She lost her left arm and almost lost her life in an accident a few years later, but still she endured. Ms. Morrison sought refuge at Bailey’s Shelter in December 2019 and quickly found housing, but her troubles weren’t over. Her landlord […]
Preventing Outbreaks in Shelter
October 7, 2020 Articles, Emergencies, News, Videos
With a contagious virus everywhere, people are going to get sick. Knowing what to do to prevent an outbreak is important. Jason Munoz, Director of the Eleanor U. Kennedy Shelter, and his team helped prevent an outbreak when a staff person tested positive for coronavirus last month. The staff person felt […]
Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast – August 29, 2020
September 2, 2020 News, Special Events, Volunteers
Compassionate, dedicated, and adaptable. These words were repeatedly used to describe the 9 individuals, families, and groups who were honored Saturday, August 29th, by New Hope Housing at our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast for their service over the past year. This was the first time in 15 years that we did not have an in-person […]
What’s Virtual Volunteering Like?
August 17, 2020 News, Volunteers
Say “Hi” to Kelsey – a new volunteer at New Hope Housing this year who recently chatted with us about one of our latest activities: “Coffee & Conversations.” This activity pairs a volunteer with a shelter guest to chat for half an hour on Zoom. Kelsey is originally from Fairfax County, studied business and music […]
Amazing Maury Elementary
June 30, 2020 News, Volunteers
The 5th grade class at Maury Elementary School in Washington, D.C., had spent months raising money to go to Space Camp. And then the coronavirus pandemic hit and everything was cancelled. As you’ll hear from Nasir in the video below, Ms. Jondal’s & Mrs. Banks’s class decided to make lemonade out of lemons. The class […]
Statement on the killing of Mr. George Floyd and unrest in our country
June 10, 2020 Articles, News
We’re sorry. In searching for the right words to describe our horror and our grief at the killing of Mr. George Floyd…we said nothing. And silence is complicity. We condemn the killing of George Floyd, the killing of Breonna Taylor, and the killing of far too many of our black and brown neighbors. We believe […]
Volunteer Spotlight: Brian Cavanaugh
May 11, 2020 Articles, News, Volunteers
We Miss Our Volunteers! We’re grateful that so many people have stepped up and found new ways to serve our homeless neighbors since the start of the pandemic and our changed guidelines – but we do miss having the friendly faces of our volunteers on site to brighten our day! We’d like to share some […]
Special Volunteers – KellerWilliams MetroCenter and Washington Community Church
May 2, 2020 Articles, News, Volunteers
April 23, 2020 would have seen hundreds of neighbors turn out for the annual Volunteer Fairfax Service Awards. And we would have been sitting right there with them with our fingers crossed for our nominees: Keller Williams MetroCenter for Best Corporate Volunteer Program; and Washington Community Church for Best Adult Volunteer Group. This ceremony did […]
COVID-19 Updates and Requests
March 17, 2020 Emergencies, News
UPDATED: May 19, 2021 After 14 months of remote and virtual volunteering, we are so excited to invite volunteers to serve on-site with us at our shelter programs. We are prioritizing individual volunteer opportunities, so some opportunities that were available pre-pandemic might not be available just yet, including group opportunities. We hope to expand soon […]
Casino Night Cancelled
March 12, 2020 Emergencies, News, Uncategorized
Dear friends, Due to public health guidance recommending the cancelling of large public gatherings, we have made the decision to cancel our Casino Night fundraiser scheduled for this Saturday, March 14th, 2020. We appreciate all of you who have made donations, purchased tickets, and sponsorships. We will be offering refunds to all ticket […]