I am excited to share that New Hope Housing will soon be expanding further as we assume operations of the Bailey’s Crossroads Community Shelter on October 1st.
In this our 40th anniversary year, we are honored to be offered the opportunity to operate the Bailey’s Shelter and are excited to work with Fairfax County to develop and relocate the BCCS program to a new state of the art shelter with expanded permanent supporting housing units over the next 2 years. We are committed to working with our partners at Northern Virginia Family Service to ensure a smooth transition and build on the work they have done at BCCS. We look forward to working with the community as we bring our philosophy of hope and hospitality, dignity and respect, and welcoming the unwelcomed to this area of the County.
Fairfax County plans to relocate the Baileys Crossroads shelter and open a new facility with on-site permanent supportive housing in late-2019. From Fairfax County: “The current shelter provider, Northern Virginia Family Service’s strategic priorities within homeless services are shelter, prevention, and rehousing. Permanent supportive housing meets a critical community need but is not currently a strategic direction in which the agency is headed. Therefore, with the future addition of supportive housing to the program, Northern Virginia Family Service believed that other providers in the community would be better suited to take on the new service model.”
NVFS began operating BCCS in September 2015, focusing a Rapid Re-Housing model to assist households to secure stable housing in the shortest time possible, with the support of shelter- and community-based case management and housing location. “We are pleased with the outcomes and quality of care we have been able to provide to the community and the clients at BCCS,” shares Andrea Eck, executive vice president of programs at NVFS. “We at NVFS feel confident in transitioning the emergency shelter services to New Hope Housing to continue that quality of care. We look forward to working closely with OPEH and New Hope Housing to ensure a smooth transition.”
We wish to thank you – all our volunteers, supporters, and staff – for the work you have performed for the last forty years, and for your dedication to the mission of ending homelessness that enabled us to be here today and ready to take on this new expansion.
With gratitude and hope,
Pamela L. Michell, Executive Director